Me and two friends laying on our guy-friend's roof. Don't worry; major sunscreen was involved!
Heat Wave- Melting Makeup:
I don't know about you, but I'm sweating. It was about 94 degrees today and my room on the second floor of our house was about 104 degrees. Going outside actually felt cool compared to my room. I have a fan going, but it just seems to be blowing around burning hot air.
Clearly in this heat I am not looking my best. My face is bright red, I am all sweaty, and I can almost feel my pores getting slowly clogged with excess oil. Attractive!
Here are some tips and tricks that I have gathered up to combat the blazing heat blues:
1) Wash your face with a tingly cleanser. My
Neutrogena Pink Grapefruit face wash smells refreshing and feels super-tingly. My face can go from greasy to squeaky clean in no time; plus it has salicylic acid to unclog pores! Follow up with a toner (I love
Neutrogena's Oil-Free Stress Control Triple Action Toner) for that extra clean feeling.
2) Try an oil-free moisturizer. I use Neutrogena (can you tell that I love this brand?)
Oil-Free Moisturizer for Combination Skin.
Use a mattifying shine control product.
Clinique's Pore Minimizer keeps my face dry even when it feels like I am melting into a puddle on my floor.
3) Use mattifying makeup. I love my
Maybelline Dream Matte Powder for staying shine-free and keeping the heat-induced redness at bay.
4) Rock the ballerina bun. My hair can get seriously frizzy in heat like this so post-shower I put in a little leave-in conditioner and then brush my hair up as if I were going to put it into a ponytail. Once I have it gathered high on my head, I twist the hair and wrap it into a bun and secure it with an elastic. Any loose pieces can be tucked in with bobby pins. When I take my hair down tomorrow it is smooth and soft! In the mean time, I get to look like I actually know how to do a pirouette.
5) If all else fails, whip out the ice cream! I couldn't resist going out today and buying Neapolitan frozen yogurt plus my favorite toppings: walnuts and shredded coconut! There's nothing like a cone to cool me down!