Lack of Posts this Week!
Sorry for the lack of posts this week. I graduated from college on Saturday and started a full time job on Monday! I suppose I will have slightly less time to blog working full time with a fairly long commute until I get an apartment, but I will do my best to keep up! Also, in my new position I will be around some fabulously fashionable ladies so I know I will be inspired to come up with new beauty topics and think of more products that I want...I mean NEED...in the near future.
Hopefully by this weekend I will be settled in and ready to continue posting regularly!
I'll leave you with this thought:
Have you ever tried a sunless tanner that you truly liked? I mean that did not turn you orange, leave streaks, produce uneven spots, or generally look fake? With summer around the corner I am preparing for a full-out sunless tanner escapade. I think I will try Clarins first because it is always recommended and then move on to St. Tropaz after that. Details to come!
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