Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Another Weekend Away

Another Weekend Away:

I had yet another two days away this past weekend. I had to fly to Michigan for my cousin's wedding. It was great to see my extended family and weddings are always nice, but I just wish I had one second to just breathe! Since graduating and starting work I haven't had a weekend off. This coming weekend I will be going to Massachusetts to attend a graduation party. The next few weekends after that will be dedicated to graduation parties and apartment hunting. If I had one wish right now it would be to have just one single day where I had absolutely nothing to do and I could just sit at home in the sun and relax!

I've decided that because I don't have a day of relaxation anywhere in sight I will find ways to beautify my tired-looking face and relax in 10 minutes or less. Here's what I have come up with so far:

1) Do a face mask before bed. Queen Helene is my favorite.

2) Do an under eye mask. I've never tried this before, but I've heard good things.

3) Do an invigorating scrub. I can buy one, make one from scratch, or just add baking soda to my face wash to make it grainy.

4) Take a quick bath. I can finally use more of my LUSH bath products that my sister got me for the holidays.

5) Eat a piece of chocolate cake and not feel guilty about it. Not sure what this would do to help me look less of a tired mess, but it would definitely be a happy 10 minutes!

What do you do to de-stress when you are short on time?

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